Natural Moisturizers

Nowadays, most people try using home remedies to cure dry skin rather than depend on skincare products available in the stores. For one, natural moisturizers are inexpensive and devoid of harmful chemicals. Surprisingly, some of the best moisturizers to treat dry skin may be sitting in your kitchen!

These ingredients form hydrating oils and nourishing creams that moisturize your skin deeply, leaving it healthy, glowing, and soft. Here are the top 10 natural moisturizers that can be easily found in your kitchen to treat dry skin on the face and body.

1. Coconut Oil

It is excellent for dry skin, especially in cold weather. Its rich fatty acids and antioxidants do deep penetration, making your skin well-hydrated for a longer time. Just heat some coconut oil in your palms and dab the greasy skin for a natural glow.

2. Olive Oil

Olive oil is packed with Vitamin E and healthy fats; hence, this makes it a very powerful moisturizer to hydrate dry and cracked skin of elbows and knees. After taking a shower, lightly massage a few drops of olive oil into your skin to lock the moisture in. You may even mix it with essential oils for extra benefits.… Read more

To Wear Bikini in Private Husband Buys $50 Million Island

Businessman Jamal Al Nadak, from Dubai, once purchased a private island for $50 million, citing his only reason to be so that his wife, Soudi Al Nadak, could wear a bikini privately. The social media influencer, who often gives her huge following an inside look at her over-the-top life, announced that on her Instagram account. The video has captured millions of views, and the story of this “millionaire buys island” has gone viral on the social media sites; she shared everything in her now-viral post titled “Soudi Al Nadak Instagram viral.”

Comfortable and Secure on the Beach

Buying the island was a plan made long ago,” Soudi said. “At the beginning, the investment idea had crossed our minds, since we are an ostentatious couple. But then, out of necessity-privately, safely-Soudi revealed that the idea of having a private island came because her husband wished for me to be comfortable and safe on the beach, without concerns about being in the public eye.

Being an influencer on social media, Soudi holds her privacy dear, and this was one purchase that would satisfy her needs while being a good investment for … Read more

List of 10 most beautiful female athletes participating in the 2024 Paris Olympics.

  1. Alica Schmidt

Alica Schmidt is probably the most headlined person for her speed on the track and, of course, with her stunning looks. German sprinter Alica Schmidt has been declared as the “World’s Sexiest Athlete,” and this gets even more anticipated when we look forward to the Paris 2024 Olympics. With her gorgeous wavy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, an athletic body just comes naturally after that. In the end, however, it’s her race-day focus, discipline, and determination that truly establish her as a player.

No mere glamour girl, Schmidt competes in the 400 meters with the intention of bringing home a medal.

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Summary of “The Beauty of Everyday Things” by Soetsu Yanagi

In “The Beauty of Everyday Things,” Soetsu Yanagi writes essays that concern the aesthetics of life in general but focus specifically on founding beauty in ordinary handmade objects. Yanagi Soetsu, Japanese philosopher and art critic, is one of the central figures in the Mingei (folk craft) movement that intends to celebrate and preserve the beauty of the craftsmanship of traditional handmade objects from Japan. In his essays, Yanagi argues that beauty is not something belonging to high art or luxurious items; it is found in the simple, day-to-day-useful objects decorated with art.

The Philosophy of Mingei

The philosophy that underpins his essays is referred to as well is Mingei, meaning folk craft. Mingei emphasizes strongly objects of beauty developed by unknown common craftsmen for common people. Often, the objects are utilitarian; tools, dishes, textiles; are not aimed at being works of art but gain natural beauty by their simplicity and functionality and are created sincerely. Yanagi believed that this type of object, produced with the intention of service and not display, had a genuine beauty, unlike that of elite objects.

Yanagi, whose spirit of craftsmanship was more based on the Zen philosophy of simplicity, naturalness, and imperfection, said that he appreciated objects which are “anonymous.” These objects seemed to be … Read more

Independence Day Speech Lines

भारत की आजादी का जश्न हो या स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर भाषण, बिना देशभक्ति की कविताओं और शायरी के हर आयोजन अधूरा लगता है। 15 अगस्त पर कई महान कवियों और अमर शहीदों ने जोशीली पंक्तियां लिखी हैं। इस स्वतंत्रता दिवस 2024 पर अपनी स्पीच में इन पंक्तियों को जरूर शामिल करें, जो न सिर्फ आपकी बात को प्रभावशाली बनाएंगी, बल्कि आपके जनरल नॉलेज को भी प्रदर्शित करेंगी। ये कविताएं आपकी भावना को और भी ऊंचा उठाएंगी।

लिख रहा हूं मैं अंजाम, जिसका कल आगाज आएगा
मेरे लहू का हर एक कतरा, इंकलाब लाएगा
– भगत सिंह

दिल से निकलेगी न मर कर भी वतन की उल्फ़त
मेरी मिट्टी से भी ख़ुशबू-ए-वफ़ा आएगी
– लाल चन्द फ़लक

जब देश में थी दीवाली, वो खेल रहे थे होली
जब हम बैठे थे घरों में, वो झेल रहे थे गोली
– कवि प्रदीप

दिलों में हुब्ब-ए-वतन है अगर तो एक रहो
निखारना ये चमन है अगर तो एक रहो
– जाफ़र मलीहाबादी

जमाने भर में मिलते हैं आशिक कई
मगर वतन से खूबसूरत कोई सनम नहीं होता
नोटों में लिपटकर, सोने में समिटकर मरे हैं शासक कई
मगर तिरंगे से खूबसूरत कोई कफन नहीं होता
– भगत सिंह… Read more

Lessons from Dog

Discover 10 life lessons from dog, whether it’s a Husky, Labrador, Beagle, Doberman, Pit Bull, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Shih Tzu, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Rottweiler or other dog breeds. Dogs embody loyalty, playfulness, and wisdom often overlooked in the dog house. Let’s learn some life lessons from dogs:

1. Listen To Everything

Dogs are blessed with amazing power to listen. They can notice the dropping of a needle from a distance. Though they listen to everything, they react only to strange sounds.

Lesson: Listen carefully before reacting to anything. Also, react only when needed. This life advice can save you many unnecessary fuss and commotion.

2. Unconditional Love

Dogs’ love for their master is unconditional. They love their masters in every situation and condition. It is true love and respect they give to their masters.

Lesson: The emotional support animals give to their master teaches one thing. Humans should also support each other unconditionally. Your unconditional love to your family and friends will enhance your value.

3. Obedience


Dogs are loyal to their masters. They obey whatever their masters say. People like dogs because of the obedient nature of dogs. Lessons from pets tell us obedience is a jewel. 

Lesson: … Read more

Benefits of Drinking Coffee 

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee: Let’s have a coffee! Every time you feel exhausted or need quick energy, you want to drink this beverage because of its stimulating effect on the body and mind. It contains caffeine that gives instant energy. However, it has a bitter taste and it is slightly acidic as well, people love drinking coffee. So, what coffee benefits make it popular? Also, how much coffee you should drink daily?

Here are some of the surprising benefits of drinking coffee

1. Instant Energy

Coffee has health and caffeine for the central nervous system that is responsible for fighting fatigue and increasing energy levels. When you drink coffee, it starts a chemical reaction in your brain. The receptors of a neurotransmitter called adenosine are blocked and others including dopamine are increased. It results in a quick boost of energy levels.

2. Boosts Mental Health

A recent coffee research has linked this hot beverage to mental health. It is suggested that drinking coffee could lower the risk of certain neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. A further study suggests drinking a moderate amount of coffee could lower the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

3. Supports Heart Health

Daily coffee … Read more

Believe it or Not

History is taught in schools but you are taught what the government wants you to learn. The objective of learning history is to know the development of civilization, polity, economy, and science.

You learn about important civilizations, personalities, and dates. But no teacher will tell you about unbelievable facts. So, I decided to compile historical facts that you won’t believe were true.

Welcome to my class on weird history. After this class, you will find history to be stranger than fiction. But I don’t want to give you any lesson on history. My objective is to highlight the creative thinking of our forefathers.

1. Abraham Lincoln In The Wrestling Hall Of Fame

My first chapter on curious history is about the sixteenth president of the US, Abraham Lincoln. He was also a 6’4” tall wrestler. Also, like politics, he attained a great height in wrestling. Out of the 300 contests he participated in, he lost only one. This feat made him an elite fighter in New Salem, Illinois.

2. George Washington Opened A Distillery After Presidency

Strange but true that the first president of the US, George Washington started making whiskey after his presidency. Also, his distillery became the largest distillery by 1799. It was … Read more

Google Doodle’s Dual Celebrations Today

Google Doodle’s Dual Celebrations

Google Doodle is celebrating Sweden’s National Day today. Every year on June 6 Sweden commemorates the Sveriges Nationaldag or National Day. In the pages of history, Sweden got its first king on 6 June 1523 when Gustav Eriksson Vasa took the country’s reins after a long-drawn struggle for independence from foreign rule. Today’s Google Doodle features Sweden’s national flag in blue and yellow colors waving to the world. The largest search engine wants the world to know about Sweden’s history and become a part of its celebrations.

When Did Sweden Recognize 6 June As National Day?

In 2004, Sweden declared 6 June as a public holiday to allow people to commemorate the victory of Sweden over a foreign rule. Since then this day has become a symbol of patriotism and pride for Swedish citizens. They celebrate this day with much zeal and fervor.

How Sweden Celebrates National Day?

The celebrations start with people visiting the royal family at the Skansen museum and offering flowers. Later in the day, they participate in a variety of activities planned by government agencies and social organizations. People keep visiting Skansen which is also the largest open-air museum in the world to pay their homage to the royal family. They join the Walking Orchestra and … Read more

7 Most Awaited TV Shows For June Release

Most Awaited TV Shows

TV has an upper hand over theaters this June with some of the most fascinating shows beginning in this month. So, grab your popcorn and keep cold drinks ready to sip while watching the following shows on TV. Believe us it is going to be more than exciting for you and your entire family.

The Acolyte

The first two episodes of the newest Star Wars franchise were dropped on Disney+ on June 4 and the remaining six episodes will be released weekly. The Disney+ subscribers can join the respected Jedi Master in the investigation of a series of crimes. The latest series promises more thrill and action.

House of the Dragon

The wait for the release of the second series of House of the Dragon for HBO subscribers will be over on June 16. The second series will consist of 8 episodes and they are expected to be as thrilling as the first series which one nine Emmy Award nominations. Considering the earlier episodes, you can expect more in the latest series.


Netflix has brought a new drama series for its subscribers and this series is going to be exciting in many ways. The story revolves around a group of people in South London. They unexpectedly develop superpowers and … Read more