Google Doodle’s Dual Celebrations Today

Google Doodle is celebrating Sweden’s National Day today. Every year on June 6 Sweden commemorates the Sveriges Nationaldag or National Day. In the pages of history, Sweden got its first king on 6 June 1523 when Gustav Eriksson Vasa took the country’s reins after a long-drawn struggle for independence from foreign rule. Today’s Google Doodle features Sweden’s national flag in blue and yellow colors waving to the world. The largest search engine wants the world to know about Sweden’s history and become a part of its celebrations.

When Did Sweden Recognize 6 June As National Day?

In 2004, Sweden declared 6 June as a public holiday to allow people to commemorate the victory of Sweden over a foreign rule. Since then this day has become a symbol of patriotism and pride for Swedish citizens. They celebrate this day with much zeal and fervor.

How Sweden Celebrates National Day?

The celebrations start with people visiting the royal family at the Skansen museum and offering flowers. Later in the day, they participate in a variety of activities planned by government agencies and social organizations. People keep visiting Skansen which is also the largest open-air museum in the world to pay their homage to the royal family. They join the Walking Orchestra and go to parks for picnics. Children offer flowers at Skansen and participate in activities such as drawing their flag. Also, people enjoy feasting on Swedish delicacies including cakes, seafood, and beverages. Picnicking has become a favorite activity on National Day.

Celebrating Jeanne Córdova

Google Doodle has another celebration lined up for today. It is the day to celebrate the work of Jeanne Córdova who was a leading Chicana lesbian activist, feminist, and renowned author. But she is better known for her support for the LGBTQ+ rights movement in the US, Mexico, and other countries. Born on 18 July 1948 in Germany, she gave voice to the LGBTQ+ movement through her literary work. But the author and activist passed away on 10 January 2016 in the US at the age of 67.

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