5G Services Are Available In These Cities

5G Services

The 5G services have been launched by network providers in selected cities. And it will take them some time to cover the entire country. While Jio promises 5G services by December 2023, Bharti Airtel will do it by March 2024.

10 Highlights Of 5G Services

5G Services
  1. Jio 5G services are available in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Varanasi, and Airtel 5G services are started in Delhi, Mumbai, Varanasi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Nagpur, and Siliguri.
  2. Users will require 5G handsets but there is no need to replace existing SIM to avail of the 5G services.
  3. In the initial phase, 5G networks will provide data at 600 mbps which is at par with professional computers.
  4. Jio will provide 5G services at 1 GBPS to all its customers under the ‘Beta trial’. But experts say that this speed will be available only very close to the mobile stations.
  5. 5G network will enable users to download a 6GB HD movie in 1 minute 25 seconds and a 4K movie in 3 minutes at 600 mbps.
  6. Nokia senior vice president and head of India market Sanjay Malik said that the launch of 5G services would double the average data consumption per user within one and half years.
  7. Indian mobile phone company Lava has announced the cheapest
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10 Highlights Of 5G Services In The Country

5G Services Launched Today

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched 5G services at an event today. Over the next couple of years, the services will cover the entire length and breadth of the country. PM is hopeful of a big economic impact of the 5G services.

10 Highlights Of 5G Services Launched Today

5G Services Launched Today
  1. The 5G service is capable of supporting ultra-high-speed Internet throughout the country.
  2. It is expected to become a new transformational force unleashing new economic opportunities and societal benefits for Indian society.
  3. The cumulative impact of 5G services is estimated to reach $450 billion by 2035.
  4. The three major telecom companies in the country demonstrated the potential of 5G technology before the PM.
  5. Each telecom operator demonstrated one use case of the latest technology during the launch.
  6. According to experts, the manufacturing sector is expected to be benefitted most (12%) followed by agriculture (11%).
  7. 5G will account for more than a third of total mobile connections in the country by 2030. The share for 2G and 3G services is further dwindling to less than 10%.
  8. India’s high level of 4G adoption (79%) provides a strong base for the establishment and spread of 5G services throughout the country.
  9. The government has set a target of 80% coverage of 5G telecom services in a
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