The Google News AI Powered Mobile App Goes Bilingual

Google News is now bilingual. It is good news for people who speak two or more languages. There are over 60% of such newsreaders worldwide. This feature provides freedom from switching between different languages in order to get news covered elsewhere. 

Who is the beneficiary from this feature?

People who have moved abroad for study or work will be the biggest beneficiaries of this service. They would get international as well as local news from same page. Also, the update won’t impact other personalization preferences available to readers. Google will simply pull in more stories matching with the interest of the readers.

What is the story behind the Google News update?

The new feature is part of the larger revamp of the Google News product and destination website. Google announced that it was working on such a site during its developer conference in 2018. 

Highlights of the update

  • Google would leverage AI technology to select news stories
  • The AI technology would guide which stories to be featured first
  • New selection would be customized to suit the taste of the users
  • Doing away with “filter bubbles” that add no value to the news
  • Available across 141 countries and 41 languages
  • Exclusive for Google News app for both iOS and Android

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