Miss America 2020 Camille Schrier Is A Woman Of Science


24-year old Camille Schrier was crowned with the title of Miss America 2020. She’s the 99th Miss America but she’s more in news due to her on-stage science experiment.

Miss America Camille Schrier

When Schrier appeared on the stage, the audience were stunned to see a beauty pageant donning a lab coat and carrying out an experiment. She performed catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide for the world audience before receiving the prestigious title.

A Pennsylvania native, Schrier wanted to break stereotypes be continuing to be a woman of science instead of following the usual trend. She gave the audiences a new perspective to see Miss America 2020.

Graduated from VirginiaTech with dual bachelor of science degrees in biochemistry and systems biology, Schrier is studying to obtain a doctor of pharmacy degree.

Stage performance of Schrier

Schrier’s stage performance was of a person battling an eating disorder. She said that she decided to participate in the competition after ditching its former swimsuit competition portion. She said that she knew that she would never go in swimsuit because she didn’t have a performing talent.

The good thing is that President and CEO of the Miss America Organization Regina Hopper was also supportive of her decision and act. He said that it was … Read more