Coronavirus Shows Signs Of Slowing In China But It Is Increasing Outside China


While the coronavirus is still a major health issue in other countries, China reported a slump in the number of new infections and death in more than a month on Tuesday. Recently, three residents of a nursing care facility near Seattle died of coronavirus infection.

China records lowest number of coronavirus infections

There were only 125 confirmed cases and 31 coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours in China. And it is the lowest figure of officially confirmed coronavirus cases since January, when Xi Jinping issued his first public orders on coronavirus.

In Hubei Province, 2,410 coronavirus patients were released from medical facilities. Hubei is the area where the epidemic erupted and took enormous form. China restricted movement of 700 million people in order to contain the infection. But experts warned that the real test of coronavirus will be when China frees its citizens from the lockdown state.

Coronavirus outside China

South Korea had a total of 4,800 confirmed cases on Monday. It saw the second largest outbreak after China. In Europe, the people were warned to prepare for a bigger outbreak of coronavirus. In Iran that was the largest outbreak in Asia; there were 1,501 confirmed cases. Coronavirus has spread to 70 countries. The total number of confirmed … Read more