Howdy, Modi: The World Rallied Behind India At The Houston Show


Young volunteers were seen shouting “Pakistaniyonkilaylee” while exchanging smiles and high-fives. PM Modi had just busted Pakistan without naming Imran Khan or even the country. But it was understood that Modi was talking about Pakistan.

Magic moments of the “Howdy, Modi”

  • Modi took a jibe at Pakistan’s concern over Kashmir issue instead of looking its own house and salvaging its reputation from becoming a hub for global terrorism.
  • Trump allowed Modi to bash Pakistan but asking for a standing ovation from the crowd for rallying against “radical Islamic terrorism” that goes beyond Pakistan.
  • Modi took the turn and called for a decisive war on terrorism and received another standing ovation from the audiences. He’s quick to seize the moment by linking 9/11 with 26/11. He asked that world knows where the perpetrators of the terrorist acts were hiding.
  • Neither of the two world leaders named Pakistan in their speeches but it was pretty clear to who they were referring too. While Modi gave clear hints that he’s talking about Imran Khan, Trump echoed his thoughts by saying that US knows India’s concerns with its borders.

Pakistan’s failed attempt to portray India in a bad light

Imran Khan sent one of his federal ministers to garner support of the protestors of … Read more