Why Donald Trump Spared Apple From US-China Trade War?


The US and China are into a full-scale trade war is no longer a secret anymore but the world is yet to witness the repercussions of the ongoing trade-war between the two powerful economies. Presently the companies of both sides are facing the heat of the dispute. But there are some countries that are going to be benefitted by this war.

Trump on US-China trade

The US President ordered American companies to look for alternatives to China because he’s going to take the war to its logical conclusion that is according to him is doing off without China. Trump, in a recent tweet, said that the US has stupidly lost trillions of dollars with China over many years. He took to twitter to express his displeasure over China stealing their intellectual property worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year. The tweet reads that he vowed to stop China from looting the US of its dollars and ordered American companies to look for China alternative to do business.

Alternative for American companies

Giants like Apple and Google are seriously looking for an alternative. In the case of Apple, India seems to be a viable alternative. According to media reports, the 2018 models of made-in-India iPhones like XS, XS Max and … Read more

Apple Is The Worst Hit Company By The US-China Trade War Followed By Facebook

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft lost $228 billion

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft lost $228 billion in the US stock market in two trading days ahead of the September deadline for imposing additional tariff on Chinese goods by the Trump administration.

Loss making companies in the US stock market

The Big Tech companies reported a net loss of $66 billion on the last trading day of the week. These firms again reported loss of $162 billion in the opening week. Out of the five companies, Apple was the worst hit with its market value plummeting by 5.2%. Monday was the worst trading day for Apple after May 13 when it reported a loss of 5.8%. Apple depends on Chinese market for sale and production.

Image result for Apple, Google, Amazon and others lost $228 billion in just two

Facebook was the second worst hit company. This media giant saw its market value plummeting to 4.6%. Google’s parent company Alphabet reported a loss of 3.4%. Microsoft and Amazon reported a loss of 3.4% and 3.1% respectively.

Apple’s soaring sales will have no impact

Apple Inc. reported good revenue in the recent quarterly results but the stock market experts see just the opposite. The soaring sales and profit won’t be able to strengthen its stocks in the coming days.

The US-China trade war

From September, the Chinese goods including Apple products will have … Read more